I want to tone up the back of my arms, what is the best exercise for this?

The muscles located on the back of your arms are your triceps. My favourite exercise for this area is Lying Barbell Extensions, (a.k.a. Head-bangers). To perform this exercise sit on the edge of a flat bench firmly holding a weighted barbell (approximately 4-6 inches of space showing between your index fingers). Lie back on the bench and extend your arms … Read More

Tone Triceps For Tank Tops

If you are wanting to add definition to your arms for the sleeveless summer season, it is important to concentrate on developing your triceps. The triceps are the muscles located at the back of your arms between your elbow and your shoulder. Although most people think about biceps when developing their arms, it actually makes more sense to focus on … Read More

Reverse-Grip Bench Press

With your feet flat on the floor, take a shoulder-width under-grip on the bar, and have your training partner lift the weight from the rack to a position supported at straight-arms\’ length above your upper chest. Being sure that your elbows are kept close to the sides of your torso, slowly lower the barbell down and touch the middle of … Read More

Reverse One-arm press down

Grasp the pulley in your left hand with an under-grip. Keep your left upper arm against the side of your torso and ensure that your elbow is stationary during the entire movement. Moving only your forearm, slowly straighten your arm. Hold the straight-armed position for a moment, intensely squeezing your triceps. Slowly return the pulley handle back along the same … Read More

2 Arm Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Take a grip on a moderately weighted dumbbell so when the handle is hanging straight down, your palms are resting flat against the underside of the upper set of plates. Encircle the dumbbell handle with your thumbs to keep the weight from slipping from your hands when you do the movement. Set the feet about shoulder-width apart and sit in … Read More

One arm Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Grasp a dumbbell in your left hand. Place your feet a comfortable distance apart and sit in a bench that provides back support. Extend your left arm directly upward from your shoulder joint, with your palm facing toward the front. If you like, you can reach behind your head and grasp your left upper arm with your right hand to … Read More

Close Grip Bar Press Down

Take an over-grip on the handle, your index fingers no more than 3-5 inches apart in the middle of the handle. With the feet set at shoulder-width apart, bend the arms fully and press the upper arms against the sides of your torso (elbows stationary during the entire movement). The bar will be just below the chin. Maintain good posture … Read More

Bench Dips

Sit on a flat bench with your hands on each side of your hips. Grasp the bench firmly with your hands and place your feet on a bench three to five feet away from the bench that you are sitting on. Keeping your torso upright, slowly lower your body until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle and return … Read More