2 Arm Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Take a grip on a moderately weighted dumbbell so when the handle is hanging straight down, your palms are resting flat against the underside of the upper set of plates. Encircle the dumbbell handle with your thumbs to keep the weight from slipping from your hands when you do the movement. Set the feet about shoulder-width apart and sit in a bench that provides back support. Push the dumbbell upward until it is at straight arms\’ length directly above your head. Press your upper arms against the sides of your head and keep them motionless. Slowly lower the weight to the rear in a semicircular arc until the arms are fully bent. Use triceps strength to return the weight back along the same arc to the starting point.

(primary muscles: triceps)

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.