Close Grip Bar Press Down

Take an over-grip on the handle, your index fingers no more than 3-5 inches apart in the middle of the handle. With the feet set at shoulder-width apart, bend the arms fully and press the upper arms against the sides of your torso (elbows stationary during the entire movement). The bar will be just below the chin. Maintain good posture throughout the set. Moving only your forearms, slowly straighten your arms. Hold the straight-armed position for a moment, intensely squeezing your triceps muscles. Slowly return the pulley handle back along the same arc to the starting position.

Note: For variation, this can be performed with a rope handle or an under-grip on the handle.

(primary muscles: outer and medial heads of triceps)

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.