You Need Water to Lose Weight

Everyone knows water is important for general health. But not as many realize how integral getting enough quality H2O is to a successful weight loss plan.

In fact, there are many ways that proper hydration can help you lose weight. Here are just a few!

By drinking water, you will:

  Burn more fat & Reduce rapid weight change:

First off, few recognize water’s role as fuel for the chemical processes that truly burn fat. Unfortunately, most of what appears as “rapid weight loss” is really just dehydration in disguise. This leads some to avoid water after seeing quick “results.” Making matters worse, water weight is retained most when the body is dehydrated. All this can cause a vicious cycle of water-based weight fluctuation. The bottom line? Regularly drinking water lets you metabolize fat properly and makes it clearer where you truly stand in relation to your goal weight.

  Decrease cramps & Stock sweat reserves:

Drinking water throughout the day helps keep the body’s many simultaneous processes running smoothly. In that way, it’s just like the oil in a car. When your body’s well-hydrated engine is humming along in top form, your muscles will cramp less and you will sweat more effectively. This will let you hit the gym harder and lose more fat in the best way possible: through exercise!

Smooth hunger spikes & Limit liquid calories:

Our minds often misread the messages our bodies send. Just as we often feel wired when we are really tired, we can also feel hungry when we are mostly thirsty. Drinking enough water lets you avoid this confusion so you’ll eat only when you need to. Plus, by drinking water, you’ll limit your intake of the empty calories in sugary drinks and the potentially unwanted chemicals in diet beverages.

Think clearer & Sleep better:

Sufficient hydration obviously promotes physical fitness, but did you know it can also improve cognitive function? Getting enough water can even help combat mood swings and anxiety, meaning you will be better able to relax when needed, such as late at night. That’s great news because most active dieters agree the challenge is half mental and that they need all the rest they can get!

The problem, of course, is that most of us fail to drink enough water, despite knowing the many benefits. That makes hydration a bit like the “daily flossing” of proper nutrition.

All this usually leads to two questions:

1) Okay, so how much water should I drink?

Most have heard the line about “eight cups daily,” but the CDC and other health organizations actually recommend at least 10 for women and 14 for men. Plus, regular exercisers and those carrying extra body weight should ideally drink even more. Therefore, 12 cups per day for women and 16 for men is a better goal for those actively seeking to lose weight through exercise.

And, 2) Wait, are you kidding?

No, I am not kidding. But don’t worry, it’s really not that hard — though it does help to keep a large water bottle with you at all times. Start keeping track and you’ll see that 12 to 16 cups is not out of reach.

Good luck, and drink up!

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800 or visit and

You can also find Karp on and Twitter @KarpFitness