Ask Shaun: I saw you demonstrating the Abdometer, how do…

Pelvic Positioning Is Critical to Effective Core Training

Question. A few weeks ago I saw you demonstrating a new digital core training device that targets the lower abs. Can you tell me the name, the cost and w

here I can purchase one, I live in Vancouver?

Answer. The digital core training device is called the Abdometer. You can find them in Vancouver at one of the 8 Fitness Town locations or one of the 5 SportMed locations. They can also be purchased at for the price of $99. A great feature of the Abdometer is that it self-inflates for each person so it always keeps your back in its neutral position. It is more effective and safer to work your abs when your back is in its neutral position because extra stress is placed on your spine if you push your back to the floor. Another great feature is the “anti-cheat” setting. When in this mode the Abdometer lets you know if your abdominals are not engaged by sending out a beeping signal reminding you to improve your technique. It also comes with a manual illustrating 20 great exercises that you can perform.

Exercise Your Chest Muscles With Dumbbells

Question: I live in Vancouver and I saw your personal training “fit tip” segment on the news this morning with Wesla Wong and Mark Madryga performing chest exercises. Can you explain the hand position for DB Press vs. DB Flies?
Answer: DB Press is best performed with your palms facing forwards. This is one of the best chest exercises because it allows you to use a heavier weight compared to chest flies and it really isolates the pectoral muscles, front deltoids and triceps. The key on this exercise is to utilize the full range of motion, bringing the dumbbells all the way down until they are almost touching your shoulders and then push them to the top until your arms are almost straight and the dumbbells touch.

DB Flies are also a great chest exercise. With this exercise it is best to have your palms facing together. The best way to perform this exercise is to imagine that you are hugging a barrel that is on your chest. You want to keep a slight bend in your arms throughout the entire movement. When at the bottom it is important to keep your shoulders, elbows and wrists in a straight line. You should feel the stretch in your chest. Do not perform this exercise if you feel any pain in your shoulders.