Variation Provides Abdominal Results

Welcome to the second part of our two-part series designed to provide variation and effectiveness to your abdominal workout. A good abdominal workout is essential for any fitness program as strong abdominals can reduce back pain and improve your athletic ability. Because your abdominals are at the center of your body, they can enhance your athletic performance by increasing your core strength. You will notice the difference when you are twisting and turning on your skis or snowboard or even when you are trying to maneuver your mountain bike on difficult trails. If you are bored with performing the same exercises all of the time, the following exercises will provide an effective change you will be able to see and feel.

Medicine Ball Crunches

Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Holding a medicine ball in your hands, extend your legs straight in the air above your hips. Extend your arms until they are straight and reach up trying to touch the medicine ball to your toes. Once you are as close to your toes as possible, return to the starting position and repeat for 12-20 repetitions depending on your comfort level. Medicine balls can weigh as little as two pounds and as much as twenty pounds so be sure to start at a comfortable level and progress at your own pace.

Hip Lifts

Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Place your hands on the mat beside your hips. Hold your legs straight in the air above your hips. Once in this position slowly lift your hips a few inches off of the floor and slowly return to the starting position being sure not to bounce or use momentum. Repeat for 12-20 repetitions depending on your comfort level. This exercise isolates the lower abdominal area. You should not feel your lower back while performing this exercise.

These abdominal exercises will not only tighten up your mid-section, but they will also increase your abdominal strength. By varying your workout regularly, you will prevent adaptation and boredom. To be effective, you should perform your abdominal routine three to five times each week in conjunction with a regular cardiovascular routine. Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.