Standing Barbell Curl

Stand erect and grasp a barbell with a shoulder-width under-grip on the bar (palms facing away from the body). Your feet should be set comfortably at shoulder-width distance and the barbell should Perfect Uninstaller – #1 Converting Uninstaller be resting across your upper thighs. Without swaying your torso, use your bicep strength to curl the weight upward in a semicircular … Read More

Standing Dumbbell Alternated Curl

Grasp two dumbbells, stand erect, feet at shoulder-width distance, and the palms facing forward. Press the upper arms against the sides of your torso and keep them in this position throughout the set. Use the strength of your left biceps to slowly curl the dumbbell upward and forward in a semicircular arc to shoulder level. As you begin to lower … Read More

One Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Grasp a moderately weighted dumbbell in one hand and place the upper arm along the angled surface of the preacher bench, with the upper edge of the bench wedged beneath your armpit. Slowly lower the weight to straighten the arm. Use biceps strength to slowly curl the dumbbell from the starting point on the bench up to shoulder level. Hold … Read More