Straight-Arm Pulldowns

Take a narrow overgrip on the handle (your index fingers should be about 6 inches apart). Set your feet about shoulder width apart 1-1.5 feet back from the pulley. Bend your arms about 10 degrees and hold them rounded like this throughout the movement. Bend slightly at the waist and maintain this position throughout the set. At the beginning of the movement, your arms should be extended upward toward the pulley and at a 45-degree angle with the floor. Bring the handle forward and downward in a semicircular arc, until your hands and the bar touch your upper thighs. Return the bar slowly back along the same arc to the starting point. Repeat.

Note: You can also use a rope handle for variation

(Primary muscles: latissimus dorsi, pectorals and serratus anterior muscles)

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.