Maximize Your Gluteus Maximus

In my opinion, the single best lower body exercise for both men and women is the lunge.

By performing lunges with proper exercise technique guarantees that you will see and feel the changes, especially in your gluteus maximus. Included here are two variations of this great exercise that can be incorporated into your fitness routine.

Alternating Lunges

Stand with your feet together and your toes pointed straight ahead keeping your hands at your sides. Take an exaggerated step forward with your right leg. Bend your right knee slowly, lowering your body close to the floor. Keep your right knee directly over the right foot and your back straight. Most of your weight should be over your front foot. When your rear knee is about two inches above the floor, hold for one second before slowly returning to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with your left leg. You should feel your gluteus and thigh muscles, not your knees, ankles or back.

Walking Lunges

Stand facing a room approximately 20-50 feet long. Step forward with your right leg and slowly lower your body until your rear knee is about two inches above the floor. Remember to keep your right knee directly over your right foot while keeping your back straight and shoulders upright. Step forward with your left leg and repeat the above. Continue lunging across the room, alternating legs. As with alternate lunges, you should feel your gluteus and thigh muscles, and not your knees, ankles or back. This is a favorite exercise of many of our NHL hockey players who want to improve on their power and explosive ability.

These are advanced exercises so be sure to start slowly and progress at your own pace. Start by choosing one exercise and perform two to three sets of 10-15 repetitions. Take a one to two minute break between each set depending on your comfort level. To increase the intensity, try holding weights in each hand. You can perform these exercises two to three times each week, however, be sure to allow a minimum of 24 hours rest between your workouts so that your body has sufficient time to recover. If you are not engaged in an exercise program consult your doctor before you start.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.

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