Increasing Core Strength Can Reduce Back Pain

If you are suffering from lower back pain and looking for a solution it may help to strengthen your core. There is a strong correlation between lower back pain and weak abdominal muscles. There is also a strong correlation between lower back pai

n and poor abdominal endurance. The solution is to improve your abdominal strength and endurance. It is important to keep your back in its neutral position when performing abdominal exercises. This means that when you lie on your back you should keep the natural arch of your lower back and not flatten your spine to the floor.

Dr. Jordan Myers states, “…this is called the normal lordosis or lower back curve and it protects the spine. When you do crunches it flattens that out , opens the discs up in the back and increases the risk of disc injury, disc herniation. The abdometer protects that curve by supporting that part of the spine so you can actually take the pressure off the spine, off the sensitive nerves and allow you to train the abdominals far more effectively.

Check out the below link for more information on the abdometer: