Incline Dumbbell Press

(Primary muscles: upper pectoral muscles, anterior deltoids and triceps)

Grasp two dumbbells and sit back on the seat of an incline bench with the weights resting on the ends of the knees. Rock backward onto the padded surface of the bench, simultaneously bringing the weights to shoulder level. Press the weights to straight arms\’ length directly above your shoulders and rotate the wrists so the palms are facing forward throughout the movement. Keeping your elbows back, bend your arms and slowly lower the dumbbells downward and slightly out to the sides so they are as low down on the sides of your upper torso as is comfortably possible. Slowly press the weights back up to the starting point, being sure not to bounce the weights.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.