How long should I warm up for before my workout and should I stretch before or after I warm up?


How long should I warm up for before my workout and should I stretch before or after I warm up?


Your warm up should consist of 5-10 minutes on the stationary bike, treadmill, or any other piece of cardio equipment. The goal of your warm up is to slightly elevate your body temperature and to increase the blood flow through your muscles. Once you are warm you should stretch your muscles following a thorough flexibility program. Warming up before you stretch is important because soft tissue flexibility is increased with temperature elevation. After you are warmed up and stretched out do not jump into using heavy weights. Light to moderate weights should be used for the first set of each exercise to further prepare your muscles for the force of the heavier weights.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.