How do I avoid golf injuries?


I golf three times each week and want to avoid getting an injury this year, what do you suggest?


Every sport is unique so it is important to have a fitness routine that concentrates on developing your muscles with a sport specific approach. Golfers must concentrate on the muscles of the shoulders, the stabilizers of the trunk, and the lower limbs which provide stabilization and alignment. Most golf injuries are a result of overusing the muscles most involved in the game, such as the lower back, wrists, shoulders and elbows.

Flexibility is essential to achieve full range of motion for your swing and to avoid poor alignment of the spine and pelvic girdle which often leads to lower-back problems. Stretching is a crucial component of a balanced exercise routine. Stretching does not only increase your flexibility and minimize your chances of pulling or tearing muscles, but also increases performance. A flexible muscle reacts and contracts faster, and with more force, than a less flexible muscle allowing you to have improved performance.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.