When I gain weight it always goes straight to my hips and legs. What exercises can help me to lose this fat?

A: It is not uncommon for women to gain weight in their hips and thighs. There is no magic exercise that will melt the fat from this area. The concept of losing fat in an area by exercising the surrounding muscles is called “spot reduction” and unfortunately, it is ineffective. To lose fat from your hips and keep it off you have to make consistent lifestyle changes. A combination of healthy eating, cardiovascular exercise, and muscle toning is the solution. It is just like a triangle, if you have all three components you will have a healthy lifestyle and a strong triangle, and your body will show that. If you leave a component out, the triangle will be incomplete and your results will be limited.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.