First Lose The Weight, Then Keep It Off

A lot of us can lose weight, but not many can let our new eating and exercise habits become part of our everyday life. Many of us have dieted to lose weight, but few have managed to keep it off. This is not to say that diets are not effective, for they may work to kick start weight loss and start us down the path to a healthy body; however, there is only one way to come off of a diet, and it requires us to remove the end date stamp on changing the way we eat, and to making it into a new, healthy, lifestyle.

It takes 21 days to form a habit, or, in this case, to break the habit of unhealthy eating. This first part of your diet will have been the most difficult, because it is when you have to consciously think of what you are, or are not, eating. There are many diets out there: low carb diets, no carb diets, high protein, low fat, but the truth is we all know what healthy eating looks and feels like. The downfall with all of these diets, though, is that all of them are centered around a sense of deprivation; deprivation that will inevitably cause you to abandon all sense, indulging in processed, fatty foods, and not looking back.

This is not to say diets are not beneficial; if you have a lot of weight to lose, or feel you need that sense of deprivation to get you thinking about what you are putting into your body, they can be great: to begin with. Most abandon their hard work after having successfully shed a few pounds on a diet.

The truth is, after accomplishing your weight loss is the time you need to be persistent in reminding yourself that achieving and maintaining your ideal, healthy, bodyweight will be a lifetime commitment. Now you can change your thoughts about eating from depriving yourself to eating healthy. Focus on eating three meals and two snacks daily, controlling your portions, yet making sure to take in a lot of fibre, protein, and achieve an overall balance, not completely avoiding carbs. Also eat foods rich in anti-oxidants, drinking plenty of water and green or white tea.

Healthy eating is really important in maintaining a healthy weight, but it is only one half of the equation. Exercise is key, especially when coming off of your diet. It is unrealistic, and unhealthy, to count calories all day long, but you should still actively be thinking about what you have to do to maintain a healthy body. Exercise a minimum of three times weekly, incorporating weights into your regimen. Keep yourself challenged, increasing your weights or repetitions every three or four weeks.

The key is to start looking at healthy living as a lifestyle change, not just a short-term solution to shed some pounds. It is not going to be easy: keeping your body healthy and active will be hard work. But with determination and persistence, you will continue to reap the benefits of your efforts, and will be on the road to a healthy body for life. Your body will feel better when you are eating healthy, and your body composition will reflect this change.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.