Exercise Tubing for an Effective Workout

If you are looking for a great way to stay in shape and are bored with conventional exercise methods try exercising with resistance tubing. Exercise tubing has recently become very popular because it is easy to use, produces great results and is inexpensive. Exercises with a rubber tube can be performed in a gym, or at home and you can throw it in your suitcase to use while you are on holidays.

Exercise tubing can be found in most sports stores. It comes in different strengths that are easily differentiated by color. Gray tubing usually provides light resistance for beginners, blue tubing provides moderate resistance for intermediate stages of training, and green has the greatest resistance for advanced training. These colour categories are only guidelines so before you purchase an exercise tube try it out in the store to ensure that it provides the optimal resistance for you.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that getting into shape with a resistance band is going to be easy. Fitness has to be a lifestyle commitment and requires a balance of nutrition, strengthening and cardiovascular exercise. There are no quick fixes or magic exercises that will get you into shape, however, by adding tubing exercises you will be on your way. Exercise tubing is a versatile alternative to traditional strengthening equipment. This product is easy to use. It is great for people of all levels of fitness, from those who are just starting out to those that are advanced. It is also just as effective as many very expensive pieces of exercise equipment. Read on for some great exercises for your upper body that you can do with an exercise tube.

Two Arm Rows

Place your exercise band around a post or door jam at chest level. Your band comes with instructions on how to properly secure it to a doorway. Stand with your body straight and arms extended and pull your elbows and shoulders back as if you are rowing a boat. Squeeze your upper and mid back muscles and return to the starting position. Ensure that you are performing a controlled movement using only your arms and do not swing your back. You can increase the intensity by standing further away from where the band is secured. This exercise is designed to isolate the muscles of your upper and mid back. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions with a 30-second break between your sets.

One Arm Chest Squeeze

Place your exercise band around a post or door jam at shoulder height. Stand facing the band and turn your body a quarter turn to the right. Start with your left arm extended to the side, level with your shoulder. Bring the band just past your naval, squeeze your chest muscles on the left side and slowly return to the starting position. You should feel this exercise in your chest and in the front of your shoulders. The further you stand from where the band is secured the more difficult the exercise becomes. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions on each side with a 15-second break between your sets.

Tricep Pushdowns

Place your band around the top of a door. Hold the band near the bottom with your hands apart. Push the band towards the floor extending your arms until they are straight. Squeeze your triceps (the muscles in the back of your arms) and slowly return to the starting position. To increase the intensity raise your hands a few inches on the band, to make it easier lower your hands to the bottom of the band. Stand as close to the door as possible to ensure that the band does not slip off of the door. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions with a 30-second break between your sets.

Bicep Curls

Stand on your band with both feet. Hold the band with both hands and curl your arms up until they almost touch your chest. Squeeze your biceps and slowly return to the starting position. To increase the intensity lower your hands a few inches on the band. To make it easier hold the band at the top. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions with a 30-second break between your sets.

For good results follow these exercises two to three times each week with a minimum of 24 hours rest in between each workout. Next week we will add lower body exercises to your rubber band routine. Remember not to overdo it, start off slowly and progress at your own pace.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.