Exercise Tubing for an Effective Workout – Part 2

Exercise tubing has many advantages. This product is an inexpensive and versatile way to get into shape. It is fun, easy to use and is great for people of all fitness levels, from those who are just starting out to those that are advanced. Exercise tubing can help you improve your muscle tone and flexibility and increase your endurance and strength. Last week we introduced upper body rubber band exercises and this week we are adding lower body strengthening exercises to your routine. Here are four great exercises for your lower body that you can do with an exercise tube.

1. Lunges

Stand with your feet together and take an exaggerated step forward with your right leg. Place the band under your front foot and hold the other end firmly against your shoulders. Bend your right knee slowly, lowering your body close to the floor. Keep your right knee directly over your right foot and your back straight. Most of your weight will be over your front foot. When your left leg is about two inches from the floor, hold for one second, then slowly return to the starting position. Perform 8-12 repetitions and repeat with your left leg in front. Perform two to three sets with a 20 second to two minute break depending on your comfort level. You should feel your gluteus and thigh muscles, not your knees, ankles or back.

2. Squats

Stand up straight with your band under your feet and place your hands firmly at your shoulders holding the band. Keep your feet flat and squat down until your legs are parallel with the floor. Keep your knees over your feet at all times, not letting them extend too far forward. Perform three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions with a 20 to 60 second break depending on your comfort level. To add difficulty to this exercise increase the stretch on the band.

3. Leg Curls

Lie face down on an exercise mat. Secure your band in the bottom of a door jam (follow instructions that come with your band). Place the band around your right ankle. Curl your right leg towards your buttocks without allowing your hips to come off the mat. Return to the starting position in a slow controlled manner. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions and then switch over to your left leg. Repeat three times on each leg with a 20-40 second break between each set depending on your comfort level. You should feel your hamstring muscles and not your lower back.

4. Side Leg Raises

Stand with your band in the bottom of a door jam or around a secure object. Stand perpendicular to the doorway and place the band around the leg that is furthest from the door. With your body straight, hold the wall for support and extend your leg outwards keeping it straight. Slowly return to the starting position and perform three sets of 10-15 repetitions on each leg with a 20 to 40 second break depending on your comfort level. Your should feel your outer thigh and gluteal muscles.

For good results follow these exercises and the upper body exercises outlined last week two to three times each week with a minimum of 24 hours rest in between each workout. Remember not to overdo it, start off slowly and progress at your own pace.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.