Common Workout Time-Wasters

Finding the time to exercise while balancing a career, family, school and other demands can be difficult. Many of us deal with this dilemma by using time management techniques. We purchase day planners, prioritize, organize, delegate and make lists, all in an effort to fit in that workout.

Too often this struggle ends up as wasted effort. I’ve noticed that many people who are skilled time managers outside the gym are very unproductive when they train. They work diligently to manage their time to get to the gym, but once they arrive, they start wasting time! Just as you pay attention to how you manage your time at work or in school, you must also effectively manage your workout time.

Before you perform any exercise be sure that you are using correct technique, exercising improperly is the biggest factor in not spending your time wisely. If you are unsure about proper form on an exercise ask a staff member at the gym or utilize the services of a personal trainer. Resting too long between your sets or doing too much in one day can also slow down your progress. Resting too long takes away from the effectiveness of your exercises. The rest between your sets depends on your goals and fitness level, however, if you are looking to tone up a little then try resting 20-45 seconds. Doing too much in one day is also ineffective. Most people only need to perform two to six sets on each body part. Any more than that is a waste of time as the increased work will usually provide minimal benefits.

Excessive socializing can also make your workouts ineffective. Examples include flirting, long conversations between sets and, yes, talking on a cell phone. Working out is recreation and should be enjoyable, just be sure to not let this take over your workout.

Standing around can also be a time waster. This includes waiting for a machine instead of going to a different machine. If you are planning on doing a specific machine such as the leg press and it is being used, be prepared to do another comparable exercise such as lunges. Waiting for a training partner can also be a big waste of time. If you are supposed to meet at a specific time and your partner does not show up, start anyway!

Arriving unprepared can also prevent you from making good use of your training time. I have seen many people show up to the gym without their training bag-no shoes, no shorts, no workout…. Not pre-planning your workout can also end up being a waste of time. It is a good idea to arrive knowing what your workout goals are, that will save any difficult decision making or prevent any procrastination once you get to the gym.

Following these time saving guidelines will improve your workout productivity, improve your focus and reduce your overall stress.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.