Can a workout partner help me get motivated?


I have had a difficult time motivating myself to exercise, do you think having a workout partner may help?


If you want to get in shape but never find the time or the energy, a workout partner may provide the motivation that you need. A workout partner may not only help you get out of a workout slump but it is also a great way of spending some quality time with someone. A workout partner can be anyone: your spouse, friend, or even someone that you meet at the gym. A spouse can be a great workout partner because if you adopt a fitness lifestyle together, it will be easier to maintain. A workout partner can also help to ensure that you perform your repetitions safely and with full effort. If you get stuck on an exercise in the middle of a set, your partner can provide a little help so you can finish your set safely. At those times when you are not sure if you can do one or two extra reps on an exercise, your partner can also provide motivation and push you a little harder than if you were on your own. Working out with a partner can be a great step in achieving that healthier lifestyle that you have been working toward.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.