Are stability balls just another new fitness trend or are they around to stay?


Are stability balls just another new fitness trend or are they around to stay?

Stability balls originated in Switzerland approximately 90 years ago where they were predominantly used by physiotherapists. They remain popular as a rehabilitative tool, however, over the past few years they have increased in popularity in the fitness industry as they offer a fun, versatile, and effective workout.

Stability balls can improve muscle tone, increase muscle endurance and strength, restore or improve flexibility, enhance spinal stability, help you lose weight, and improve your balance, posture and coordination.

Stability balls are especially effective in targeting your abdominal and lower back muscles. Many common exercises are enhanced by using a stability ball because the trunk musculature is simultaneously working to balance and stabilize the body. With all of these benefits at a cost of $40.00 to $50.00 you can be assured that stability balls are around to stay.

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.