Top-10 New Year’s Fitness Tips for 2014

Top-10 adjIt’s the start of a new year, which means it’s time to assess your fitness successes of the last twelve months and make any changes needed to ensure even greater improvement in 2014!

To provide a solid head start, here is a review of the Top-10 best Karp fitness tips of last year.

 10) Avoid Workout Ruts: Without changing workouts regularly you’ll quickly become bored, making continued progress difficult. Instead, give yourself fitness jolts by frequently adding new exercises and activities to your routines while slowly increasing the overall difficulty. More Info: Click Here

9) Snack Right: Healthy snacks are important for a stable metabolism, but mindless munching can sabotage your fitness goals. Try replacing “weakness” foods with healthy alternatives, like almonds instead of greasy chips or dried fruit instead of sugary candy, and always remember: fresh is best! More Info: Click Here

8) Focus on Technique: By performing exercises improperly, you will fail to isolate the intended muscle groups and risk serious injury. To avoid all this, focus on performing each movement slowly and smoothly with complete range of motion, while avoiding sudden swinging or jerking. More Info: Click Here

Scale Woman7) Don’t Focus on Weight: Scales can help monitor your progress, but, since muscle weighs more than fat, you can easily gain weight while becoming more fit. Instead, have your body fat tested, either by a qualified professional or digital body composition scale, for a more accurate indication of fitness. More Info: Click Here

6) Avoid Fad Diets Crash diets will cause you to lose weight fast, but you’ll almost definitely gain it all back and more. Prolonged calorie depravation, also called starvation, is even less healthy and more impractical. True healthy living means balanced eating, minimal splurging, and completing a wide variety of exercises. More Info: Click Here 

5) Make Exercise Fun: Choose workouts you look forward to and it will be easier to maintain consistency. For general fitness, and aside from frequent cardio, pick something that works your core and engages your stability muscles, such as yoga, Pilates, swimming, skating, snowboarding, or surfing.  More Info: Click Here

4) Concentrate on Cardio: Endless hours of cardio are not needed for great results. Instead, include just 20 minutes of cardio intervals into every hour you spend at the gym, and focus on keeping your heart rate up during your entire strength routine. Then add one 45-minute cardio session each week and, voila! More Info: Click Here

3) Plan Your Meals: You’re more likely to grab pizza slices at the food court if you are in a rush. By packing your lunch the night before, you’ll have more time to think about what you’ll ultimately be eating. Perhaps better still, consider planning a whole week’s worth of meals at once! More Info: Click Here

Fit Tech2) Go High-Tech:  As the fitness industry continues to evolve, it is increasingly incorporating the latest in digital technological, including cutting-edge fitness games, mobile fitness apps, and even wearable fitness monitors. With all the great benefits each can provide, there’s no reason to be left behind. More Info: Click Here

1) Set Realistic Goals: This advice never gets old! If you’ve been sedentary for a while, or have been doing only sporadic high-intensity workouts, ease into a 2014 fitness regimen that builds progressively, while always maintaining consistency. A successful routine should include structured, attainable goals for both the short and long-term. More Info: Click Here

For help achieving your 2014 fitness goals or fully implementing the tips above, consider scheduling a personal training session today!  

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer and the owner of Karp Fitness and Rehabilitation.  For further information call (604)-420-7800 or go to