Ask Shaun: How do I start building muscle?

Building Muscle Karp Fitness Vancouver

Q: One of my biggest fitness goals is to build more muscle. Any tips? A: If you are looking to increase your lean body mass, your program must be designed around strength improvements. This means lifting a little heavier weights, performing fewer repetitions on each set, and taking a little longer breaks between your sets to allow your muscles to … Read More

TRX: An Introduction and Exercise Guide

If you’ve seen a lot more people just “hanging around” at the gym lately, they might actually have  been using one of the latest, greatest fitness tools: TRX cables! Original TRX was a military tool: Also called suspension training, TRX cables were first introduced to the general public in 2005 by ex-Navy Seal and Stanford MBA graduate, Randy Hetrick. As … Read More

Hammer Curls

Grasp two dumbbells with the arms hanging straight down at your sides. Your palms should be facing inward toward each other and your elbows should be stationary throughout the entire set. The palms face each other during the entire movement. Curl the dumbbells directly forward and upward in a semi-circular arc to shoulder level. Hold buy steroids this peak-contracted position … Read More