Ask Shaun: What are some good vacation exercise ideas?

Vacation Exercise Karp Fitness Vancouver

Q: A group of us are going on a vacation this summer. What are some workouts I can do while I am on vacation?

A: It really depends on where you’re going on vacation. But if you going on the kind of vacation where you’ll be in warm weather and on the beach, then a few body weight workouts are ideal.

Walking or going for a jog on a beach is a great start. The soft sand will make any cardiovascular workout much more difficult.

The soft sand will also make workouts like body squats and pushups more difficult. Doing body squats or pushups in the sand will engaged your core and stabilizer muscles more so than performing these workouts on a hard surface.

To increase the difficulty, try walking or performing body weight squats or pushups in shallow water. The pool or ocean water can throw you off balance, and a large wave could knock you right over, so be careful when performing any sort of exercise in the water.

If you’ve done some simple workouts on the beach and are looking for something extra, grab some exercise bands and find a nearby tree. Wrapping a resistance band around a tree and performing simple standing back rows and bicep curls can be a great way to sneak in some exercise, while enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery.

Another creative way to break a sweat is to find a bench and perform dips.  By getting into a sitting position, placing your palms on the bench, and having your heels firmly planted on the ground in front of you, you can engage your triceps and chest by slowly dipping up and down.

If you’re not going somewhere warm and sunny, you can always try to find a local fitness centre. Most of the time, large hotels have a fitness centre with sufficient equipment to get some exercise on your vacation. In addition, if you have an injury that is slowing you down, be sure to talk to your physiotherapist or rehab professional about some exercises that you should be doing while you are away.

As always, consult your doctor before engaging in any exercise regime.