‘How’ Do You Bench

Most have heard the fitness question, what do you bench? It refers to your one-rep max for the bench press. Hint: in certain circles, under 1.5 times your own body weight could be frowned on. Yikes!

Bench WomanBut times have changed. Many now understand that training for functional fitness and pure strength are very different.

So these days, no matter your goals, a trusty weight bench can be used to improve more than just chest and arm strength.

Maybe the question now is not ‘what’ but ‘how’ do you bench? Meaning, how do you use a weight bench to help you meet your own personal fitness goals.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

Balance and Cardio Endurance

Bench Jump: Stand one step from the bench and jump onto it with feet together. Pause for balance before stepping, not jumping, back to the start position. Repeat as needed and remember to switch legs. You can add weight in the hands to increase difficulty.

Bench Step-Over: Place one foot beside the bench and the other on top. Next, lean forward with arms up for balance and step back and forth over it behind you with the grounded leg as fast as possible for 30 seconds. Remember to switch legs, of course.

Leg Toning and Strength

Bench Step-Up: Face the broad side of the bench with one foot on it, then step up to your full height, pause briefly, and step back down. Repeat as needed and remember to switch legs. You can add weight in hands to increase difficulty.

Bench One-Leg Squat: Balance on one foot facing away from the bench. Lower yourself on that leg until your seat rests on it, and then raise yourself back up to standing on the same foot. Repeat as needed and remember to switch legs.

Core Stability and Conditioning

Bench Leg Raise: Lay down along the bench with your head near one end. Use your hands to grip it behind your head and slowly raise and lower your legs, keeping them straightened with feet together. Remember to breathe, repeat as capable.

Bench Knee Tucks: Sit near one end of the bench, holding on for support, with your legs parallel with and overhanging the floor. Raise your knees to form a ‘V’ with the chest, keeping the ankles down and together. Remember to breathe, repeat as capable.

These days, the typical workouts of the past have evolved, but even believers in traditional strength routines can mixing in some of the above functional exercises into their usual bench workouts.

So, how do you bench?

For more information on functional fitness training: CLICK HERE!

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer based in Vancouver, B.C. If you have questions or want help planning a bench fitness routine with a personal trainer, you can call Karp Fitness at 604-420-7800 or visit  KarpFitness.com

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